Here's another a new song

I was recently checking in on a friend who has been pushed to his mental, physical and emotional limits as of late.  He mentioned that he had gained some perspective in the notion that although he is concerned with being comfortable, God is more interested in building character.  On an unusually warm morning in late November, I started scribbling thoughts about this concept in my journal.  A few minutes later I found myself singing the ramblings in a new melody.  This morning I was humming it and decided it just might be worth sharing.  Excuse Marisa for making me laugh at various points throughout… ahem.

Enjoy the song, the margins that Christmas time helps to create, and the character that is steadily being built in us all.


4 thoughts on “Here's another a new song

  1. “I love a good leaf in the fall” – that made me smile but the message is such a good reminder of what matters more. Thanks for sharing these songs – they still are making people think (and smile) all these years later 🙂


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